The Shallow Dive — #1

Ezra Black
Nov 9, 2020

— A mini series of mini thoughts in 5 minute bite sized reads —

Unsurprisingly in the tech world, the amount of documentation in front of us daily can sometimes be overwhelming when trying to attain a new skill.

Sometimes even learning a new Framework can turn into a two day ordeal. And we all know the feeling of finding something we really enjoy, only to be riddled with deprecations and faulty code.

So what is this all about?

Let’s talk about 3 simple things that will help you understand your goals. And how to better focus in on the road and obstacles you will meet to get there.

#1 Do everything in chunks —

Don’t try and sink in every aspect of a topic, only to find yourself spread too thin to really let anything solidify. Your best bet is to always apply what you learn as you learn it! Take on a task in little parts, breaking it down into solid and understandable mini jobs can essentially make the bigger picture seem that much less big.

#2 You’re human —

Everything can’t be done in blazing fast speeds. Respecting and accepting your speed at which you can achieve your mini tasks, and moving forward will really help you alleviate artificial stress.

#3 Relying on your network —

DO NOT spend 40 hours of your personal time trying to understand something, or build something if you have a healthy network or team of developers you can rely on to accelerate your learning. Don’t reinvent the wheel.

